Interim stabilization work is nearing completion on the Tittabawassee River side of the Edenville Dam and has started on the Sanford Dam. The interim stabilization measures will stabilize embankments that were breached during the May 2020 flood, stabilize the concrete portions of the dams that were damaged during the May 2020 flood, and restore the river to the pre-disaster course. The stabilization of the dams will minimize further damage and erosion downstream and bring the rivers back to their natural route. These measures will also be the foundation for the final dam and lake level restoration future efforts.
We expect the Edenville stabilization (Tittabawassee side) to be completed in early 2022, and the Sanford stabilization to be completed later in 2022. Changing water levels. The interim stabilization measures will increase water elevations (flood stage) upstream of the dams during rainfall or snowmelt runoff events. The increase is measured by comparing the current failed dam conditions to the interim stabilized conditions. The proposed interim stabilization measures do not increase flood stage above pre-disaster conditions. For example, if a 100-year storm were to occur, the flood stage in the river with interim stabilization measures will be higher than if nothing were done. However, the 100-year storm flood stage with interim stabilization will not exceed the FEMA floodplain established for flood insurance purposes. Water levels will stay below the legal lake level during normal weather conditions until final restoration efforts are completed. Property owners should be aware of these conditions and show caution if going on the lake bottoms because water levels could change unexpectedly. At no time is it appropriate or legal to place permanent structures such as sheds, buildings, pools, or permanent docks on the lake bottoms. Comments are closed.
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February 2025