All documents are currently under review by EGLE and were submitted with the Permit Application
Part 301 Wixom Stream Mitigation Appendix A Appendix C Appendix D Restoration Plan Update: Status and Financing Plan (Chapters 10 and 11)
See original Restoration Plan published in May 2021 Following the flood of 2020, Four Lakes Task Force, as a sponsor to the NRCS EWP program entered into an agreement to stabilize the Sanford Dam. This stabilization project aims at restoring the Sanford Dam, consisting of the spillway and embankment, to a stable condition and rerouting the river back to its original pre-flood course. In addition, this project will reduce further erosion of the banks near the spillway and prevent continued deterioration of the site. The work done as part of this stabilization project will be utilized during the restoration project which is forthcoming in the following years. Like the Edenville Dam Phase I Sister Wall and Phase II Tittabawassee stabilization projects, GEI Consultants is the engineer of Record, Spicer Group is acting as the Owner’s Engineer and Fisher Contracting Company will be performing the construction work.
The scope of the project includes three phases: site preparation/access, modifications to the spillway, and installation of a sheet pile I-wall. A summary of each phase is as follows: During the summer of 2021, Central Michigan University researchers surveyed for native freshwater mussels. These are the results:
FLTF Response to Independent Forensic Team Interim Report
Since the release of the interim Independent Forensic Team (IFT) report, Four Lakes Task Force and its consulting engineers have conducted their review of the report to get a better understanding of how the team formed its conclusions. In addition, we are nearing the 60% design phase of Secord and Smallwood and have major stabilization construction ongoing on Edenville to better inform ourselves on the condition of the dams.... GEI Technical Memorandum of Probable Construction Cost for Dams
Updated April 23, 2021; This report is superseded by the GEI Flood Study Report |
September 2024