All Four Dams Under Construction
The Sanford Dam permit for restoration construction was approved Thursday, October 26th, by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy. The construction crews are mobilizing and work is expected to start this week. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is providing long-term, flexible loans for dam safety projects. FLTF will submit its preliminary application this week and anticipates a response from the Army Corps by late December. If our preliminary application is approved then we will be eligible to receive funding through the CWIFP Loan Program. This loan program is far more favorable than municipal financing with lower interest rates and flexible terms that would benefit the FLTF SAD.
A Notice of Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) will be provide in the coming weeks, as a requirement by the State and FEMA for the permitting of the Edenville Dam. Once the Notice is approved by FEMA we will publish it.
Working with Spence Brothers as the construction manager on Sanford, we completed the final round of biding the project by breaking it down into divisions. The bids are located here. While we reduced the cost by almost $10 million from previously-rejected estimates, the total project cost is approximately $90 million. This is $20 million over our planning estimate in May of 2022.
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September 2024