GLADWIN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES AND FLTF ASSUME NO LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES, INJURIES OR DEATH RESULTING FROM ACCESS TO, OR ACTIVITIES UPON THE BOTTOMLANDS. PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK. FLTF, as the Delegated Authority for both Gladwin and Midland Counties under State of Michigan Part 307 regulations, has acquired the properties formerly owned by Boyce Hydro and will be managing these properties associated with the Secord, Smallwood, Wixom, and Sanford Lakes (Four Lakes), including shoreline and lake bottomland (defined as the shoreline area between the previous water’s edge and the current water’s edge) areas. FLTF is also managing the restoration of water levels for the Four Lakes; an effort that includes the redesign and reconstruction of dam and spillway-related structures, as appropriate. ![]() The May 2020 flooding event significantly changed the Four Lakes bottomlands. The water levels at Four Lakes will continue to be abnormally low due to the need to make dam repairs and/or dam section replacements. The length of time to restore the water levels in the Four Lakes is unknown. This means that the public may encounter hazards when traversing the shorelines, bottomlands or waters of the Four Lakes that did not previously exist. Therefore, when visiting the bottomlands, the public should take the new conditions of the area into consideration. Due to environmental erosion and habitat concerns that exist therein, the bottomlands are not intended for unlimited recreational use. Limited use while protecting the health of the property, the safe use of the resources and being respectful to all is listed below. Typical recreation when conducted responsibly includes:
Activities requiring permission that must be reviewed by FLTF first:
Recreational activities that are more dangerous and NOT permissible per the guidelines include:
As the lakes are being restored, following common-sense rules and guidelines helps ensure that the bottomlands can be enjoyed in a manner that is safe and environmentally responsible. As a reminder, the bottomlands are owned by Gladwin and Midland counties. However, they are NOT designated as park and recreation property. THE ABOVE COMMENTS DO NOT CONSTITUTE AN INVITATION TO ACCESS OR USE THE BOTTOMLANDS THAT WERE FORMERLY LAKES. ALL ENTRY AND ACTIVITY IS AT THE USERS SOLE RISK. NEITHER GLADWIN NOR MIDLAND COUNTIES NOR FOUR LAKES TASK FORCE ASSUME ANY LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES, INJURIES OR DEATH RESULTING FROM ACCESS TO, OR ACTIVITIES UPON THE BOTTOMLANDS. ![]()
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February 2025